Tuesday, April 14, 2009

3 things i did this weekend

#1 - Card making. I love crafting and card-making, i just don't get to do it as often as i would like to. I made a ridiculous amount of cards this weekend to include in the silent auction for Night of Nations for ISP (International Service Projects). One of each of these will be included in a package.
#2 - Hershey, my unexpected companion this week. I have a new found love for dogs...its weird.
#3 - Sugar cookie extravaganza with mom, we made a ridiculous amount of sugar cookies for our neighbors and friends to celebrate Easter.

#3- Sunrise service with Katelynn. We literally rolled out of bed at 5am to attend the Easter sunrise service at the beach. It was such a blessing to worship outside, celebrate Easter with fellow believers, and enjoy time with a dear friend of mine. After the service we got breakfast on the pier!

P.S. apparently i wore that red sweatshirt alot this weekend, slightly embarrassing :)


Hope Ekholm said...

wow, Gaby. Your cards are AWEEESOME.

Emily Rimestad said...

1. Your cards are amazing and put my pathetic excuse for a card to shame!

2. I love the red sweatshirt and you rock it girl!

3. You seriously make me miss my mom! I might have to come and visit you and your mom soon and get a fix!

Too too cute! So proud of you love bug!

Katelynn Rodgers said...

I bought those cards! and yes surise service was such a blessing. I glad I got to spend it with you.